AI, ChatGpt and a humanistic vision

At Keptos, we believe in a humanistic vision of technology. For us, technology is a tool at the service of human genius, and our role is to make this technology transparent for everyday use.

Technology has undoubtedly changed the way we interact with the world. From the first personal computers to smartphones and social networks, technology has changed the way we communicate, work, learn and entertain ourselves. But it has also brought with it new challenges, from privacy and online security to the impact on the environment and the automation of work.

At Keptos, we believe that technology can be a positive force in the world if used responsibly and ethically. We strive to create technology solutions that are accessible, easy to use and address the real challenges facing people and businesses today. Our focus is on technology as a tool to improve people's lives, rather than as a source of complexity and stress.

To achieve this, we work on a unique methodology based on prevention and customer satisfaction. Prevention involves anticipating problems and designing solutions that prevent them from arising in the first place. Customer satisfaction is achieved by designing technology solutions that are easy to use and that solve the real challenges faced by individuals and businesses.

Our methodology also involves close collaboration with our clients. We listen to their needs and work with them to design technology solutions that effectively address their problems. We are also committed to transparency and ethics in the design and development of our solutions. We ensure that our customers fully understand how our solutions work and how their data is used.

At Keptos, we are also committed to education and responsibility in the use of technology. We offer training and consulting to help our customers better understand how to use our solutions effectively and ethically. We also ensure that we comply with all applicable regulations and standards, including those related to privacy and data security.

In addition, at Keptos we are concerned about the environmental impact of technology. We strive to reduce our impact on the environment by adopting sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy and reducing the use of paper and plastic.

In short, at Keptos we believe in a humanistic vision of technology, which places people and their needs at the center of the design and development of technology solutions. Our unique methodology, based on prevention and customer satisfaction, allows us to create accessible and easy-to-use technology solutions that address the real challenges faced by people and businesses. We are also committed to transparency, ethics and sustainability in everything we do. Our aim is to make technology a tool

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Company information Name: Keptos SA de CV Address: Calle Pte. 140 839, Industrial Vallejo, Azcapotzalco, 02300 Mexico City, CDMX Telephone: 55 4172 0334 E-mail: RFC: KIS100416E66 2. Corporate purpose The main activity of Keptos SA de CV is Computer Services 3. Information about the contents of the web site The contents of the web site are the following: 1.